
CCU’s Wall College of Business announces 2022-2023 professorships

September 22, 2022

The E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business Administration at Coastal Carolina University has awarded distinguished impact awards to faculty members who exemplify excellence in teaching, research, and applied engagement. The following impact awards have been awarded for 2022-2023: The Colonel Lindsey H. Vereen Teaching Impact Award to Cara Scheuer, Ph.D., and Yoav Wachsman, Ph.D.; the William J. Baxley Jr. Applied Impact Award to Sourav Batabyal, Ph.D.; and the James P. and Elizabeth R. Blanton Distinguished Research Impact Award to Subhajit Chakraborty, Ph.D.

These awards were created to annually recognize professors who have made a positive impact on the University community and surrounding areas. The criteria for all three awards include publication of original research, demonstration of quality teaching, dedication to service, and appropriate professional and personal conduct; however, each award recognizes a specific area of excellence.

The Vereen Teaching Impact Award was named for the late Col. Lindsey H. Vereen, who was a member of the Coastal business faculty from 1966 to 1977. Vereen was a decorated World War II veteran who earned a master’s degree in industrial management from the University of Pittsburgh. The Vereen Teaching Impact Award recognizes overall impact in the classroom, and in particular, faculty who demonstrate high-quality teaching performance and are able to relate real-world business experiences to classroom learning.

Scheuer, associate professor in the Department of Management and Decision Sciences, has been with the Wall College since 2010. Scheuer’s teaching is founded on an ability to incorporate application of business practice into the classroom, using a variety of experiential learning projects and activities. One of her most notable projects during the review period is the Global Virtual Teams App Project, which partners CCU students with students from Mainz University in Germany during a six- to eight-week time period to develop an app addressing a problem in the local community. The project also incorporates several additional tasks including personality and cultural assessments, creating introduction videos, project reflections, a project plan, peer evaluations, virtual feedback, and the regular use of collaborative platforms including SLACK, Zoom, and WhatsApp. Scheuer also maintained a strong research record during the review period, including publishing a paper on leadership in an A-level journal.

Wachsman, professor of economics in the Department of Finance and Economics, has served the Wall College in several capacities since arriving in 2003. He is dedicated to student success and conducts skills workshops on life, learning, and leadership skills to holistically prepare students for life after college. He delivered his economic tourism class as a codeshare class, which allowed students at universities from different countries to take online classes taught by professors from select partner universities. Wachsman also converted the Wall College summer international program into a virtual program during the COVID-19 pandemic while maintaining an active research agenda during the review period. He published three papers in peer-reviewed journals on topics from culture and pandemic containment to framing in the context of academic examination, to the impact of scheduling in college sports.

The Baxley Applied Impact Award was named for the late Col. William Baxley Jr., a longtime CCU business professor and administrator. This award acknowledges overall impact in an applied business setting, including scholarship that makes a substantial contribution to the application of sound business practices and teaching that relates applied business practices to the classroom environment.

Batabyal, assistant professor of economics in the Department of Finance and Economics, joined the Wall College in 2019. He is frequently called by community partners and media outlets regarding his expertise on a variety of topics, such as real estate, financial institutions, and urban and regional economics. Batabyal has been invited to speak to local organizations, including the Rotary Club of Surfside and the Waccamaw Sertoma Club, where he discussed blockchain and cryptocurrency. He has also been invited to speak at various local events, including serving as the keynote speaker at the 2021 Conway Chamber of Commerce annual meeting. Batabyal has been featured as an expert for articles on many online advice platforms, including Zippia, WalletHub, Policygenius, CreditDonkey, MoneyGeek, and StorageCafe.

The Blanton Distinguished Impact Award was named in honor of the late James P. Blanton, a local businessman, conservationist, legislator, champion of education, and founder of CCU. This award rewards high-quality scholarship that enhances the reputation of the college.

Chakraborty, associate professor of management in the Department of Management and Decision Sciences, joined the Wall College in 2015. During the review period, he published or received acceptances to publish, three peer-reviewed papers, including one A-level paper and two B-level papers. Chakraborty, along with two co-authors, won the prestigious Gryna Award in 2022 for their paper, “The strategic value of servitization: A quality management perspective,” published in 2021 in the Quality Management Journal. The award has only been given eight times. He also incorporates his 11 years of practitioner and industry experience and his research into his classroom instruction.

Additional professorship awards for were also given. Marc McAllister and Bong Jeong, Ph.D., received the James P. and Elizabeth R. Blanton Professorship; Robert Salvino, Ph.D., received the Ammons Family Endowed Professorship in Free Enterprise; and Hongxia Wang, Ph.D., and Robert Killins, Ph.D., received the AVX Marshall D. Butler Distinguished Professor of Finance.