
CCU to hold full-scale public safety exercise on July 19

June 28, 2023
CCU's Department of Public Safety will conduct a full-scale exercise at Brittain Hall on July 19.CCU's Brittain Hall.

The Coastal Carolina University Department of Public Safety will conduct a full-scale “armed aggressor” exercise inside and around Clay D. Brittain Jr. Hall from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. on July 19. The department routinely trains to better prepare the University to respond in the event of an emergency and stop an imminent threat.

This exercise will involve members of CCU’s public safety department training with local emergency medical personnel and law enforcement personnel from local, state, and federal agencies and area hospitals. It will feature a realistic scenario that prompts an emergency response to a reported threat in Brittain Hall. There will be numerous emergency vehicles on campus throughout the day. During the exercise, those on and near campus can expect to hear sirens and see flashing emergency vehicle lights and various uniformed personnel.

The exercise includes simulated casualties, portrayed by students, faculty, and staff, throughout the building to add realism to the training. Law enforcement personnel will respond and locate the suspect and assist medical personnel with the evacuation of casualties. Those individuals will be triaged on site and transported to Conway Medical Center, where simulated response and treatment will take place.

“At Coastal Carolina University, safety is our number one priority,” said Chief David Roper of CCU’s Department of Public Safety. “This exercise will enable the University to test our armed aggressor public safety protocols and improve coordination with our law enforcement and emergency medical partners. All participants will have the opportunity to evaluate current response concepts, plans, and capabilities for a response to such an incident on campus.”

The exercise is supported by FEMA’s 2023 National Exercise Program, which includes assistance with exercise design, conduct, evaluation, and documentation.