
Coastal Carolina University unveils new strategic plan – CCU Reach

January 11, 2024

Coastal Carolina University has launched its new strategic plan – CCU Reach. The institution’s “tealprint for the future” was approved by the board of trustees last month and introduced to faculty and staff by President Michael T. Benson during the Spring 2024 University Convocation and General Faculty Meeting on Jan. 4.

Inspired by the words of the University’s alma mater, “We come to you to lead our search, and learn to reach beyond ourselves …,” CCU Reach is a call to action for every member of Teal Nation. Each person associated with the University plays an essential role in the fulfillment of this plan as they reach up to achieve their potential, reach out to serve others around them, and reach across to bring people together.

“Our new strategic plan incorporates this idea of reaching, of extending ourselves, of thinking beyond our campus, of thinking beyond our tenures here,” Benson said during the convocation. “This plan will be a living, breathing document that will help guide what we do now and into the future.

“Each of us is in our position for a season. But our job is to take what we have, build upon what others have put in place for us, and make it better. That’s the legacy I hope we think about.”

CCU Reach focuses on three pillars and the keystones, each backed by several strategic initiatives, actions, and related metrics:

Pillar: Learning – advancing student success

o Provide innovative curricular and co-curricular pathways to improve graduation outcomes and post-college success.

o Ensure contemporary academic offerings grounded in liberal arts.

o Enhance University programs, services, and opportunities to be fully accessible to all.

Pillar: Living – celebrating our thriving campus community

o Promote the wellness and well-being of all members of the campus community.

o Strengthen belonging with higher levels of engagement with scholarly events, cultural arts, and athletics.

o Create a collaborative and inclusive campus community.

Pillar: Legacy – making a difference beyond our campus

o Advance research, the arts, and civic engagement.

o Drive economic development.

o Grow strategic collaborations.

Keystones – Driving efficiency and sustainability

o Ensuring operational infrastructure to continue long-term growth and success.

o Growing the University’s financial resources.

The pillars are designed to work together to move the University toward a shared vision, while the keystones provide a cohesive source of support and stability for all pillars.

Travis E. Overton, vice president for executive initiatives/chief of staff, and Tom Koczara, vice president for human resources and operations, partnered with The McNair Group as a steering committee synthesized the various areas of feedback to finalize the plan. CCU Reach is the result of a multi-year process, which included campus surveys and planning sessions, and the collective effort and input of faculty, staff, students, alumni, board members, and the community.

“The collaborative energy from all members of Teal Nation in shaping this bold new strategic plan has been inspirational as we reach the full potential of this incredible University,” said Overton. “CCU Reach will guide the University for many years to come as we build upon our record-breaking student enrollment, stellar academic programs, and growing national awareness.”
