
Coastal students present papers at national conference

April 10, 2003

Eleven Coastal Carolina University students presented scholarly papers at the National Conference on Undergraduate Research (NCUR) held at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City. Students and faculty from more than 200 colleges and universities in the United States participated in the conference, an annual event designed to enrich undergraduate teaching and learning by giving students firsthand experience in the process of scholarly exploration and discovery.

Conference presenters are selected on the basis of abstracts of their research submitted four months in advance of the conference. The following Coastal students gave presentations:

• Dianna DeNitto, a senior psychology major of Marion, presented “Perception of Visual Detail in Introverts and Extroverts”

• William Galbreath Jr., a senior international studies major of Surfside Beach, presented “A Magnetic Levitation Monorail as the Mode of Transportation”

• Jaime Hamrick, a senior management major of Mechanicsville, Va., and Janata Brown, a senior marketing major of Myrtle Beach, presented “Serving Up Career Services”

• Jennifer Harpster, a senior psychology major of Myrtle Beach, presented “Personality Differences In Incarcerated Adults as a Function of Gender, Level of Offense and Domestic Violence”

• Kumar Jeev, a senior computer science major of Jodhpur Rojastham, India, presented “Prime Estimation Through Return Graphs”

• Jeremy Saeger, a sophomore marine science major of Chesapeake, Va., presented “Retrofitting a Residential Retention Pond to Improve Water Quality of Stormwater Runoff”

• Presley Smith, a senior health promotion major of West Columbia, presented “Examining Health Education Instruction in Schools”

• Clare Thomasy, a junior biology major of Maumee, Ohio, presented “Mutation in Avian Microsatellites”

• Amada Windsor, a senior marine science major of Sidney, Ohio, presented “Thermoregulatory Behavior in Fiddler Crabs”

• Nathan Woodworth, senior marine science major of Myrtle Beach, presented “The Role of Global Heat and Momentum Fluxes in Climate Variability”