
CCU has first dual-degree international business students

July 31, 2003

Coastal's first dual degree students in international business have completed their course of overseas studies.

Jessica Raedler, Jeremy Roderick, Julie Berwanger and Ralshon Douglas have completed all the requirements to earn the degree of Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH), a degree in international business from the Fachhochschule Mainz in Germany as a part of the dual degree program with Coastal Carolina University.

In addition, Benjamin Boatz, Jessica Mogel, and Cynthia Stoklosa are expected to receive the degree this fall, pending completion of final assignments, according to Darla Domke-Damonte, associate professor of management and director of international programs.

"This experience was the opportunity of a lifetime," said CCU student Jeremy Roderick, of Myrtle Beach. "Not only was I able to obtain the dual degrees, but I also traveled to 11 countries along the way. For one year's of student loans I have a lifetime of stories and experiences, not to mention friends and contacts from all over the world. As Americans, I feel that we take a lot for granted ,and this experience makes you realize how lucky we are to have what we have and teaches you how to appreciate it."

Damonte said this is the first group of CCU students who have undertaken to complete the dual degree program. "They have been studying with students from numerous countries at our partner university, the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz, Germany, and they have all written and defended a thesis in which they applied business-related knowledge to companies operating internationally," she said.

Raedler, Roderick, Berwanter and Boatz have completed all their CCU degree requirements, while Douglas, Stoklosa and Mogel will be will be returning to Coastal this fall to complete the remainder of their requirements for their CCU degree.

Each of the students has received or will receive the degree Diplom-Betriebswirt (FH), which is a degree in international business from the University of Applied Sciences, Mainz, Germany, as well as a bachelors of science in business administration from Coastal Carolina University. The students will receive their degrees from Coastal Carolina University with the following majors: Boatz, of Perham, Minn., marketing; Berwanger, of Kansas City, marketing; Stoklosa, of Myrtle Beach, marketing; Douglas, of Lake City, management; Roderick, of Myrtle Beach, accounting; Mogel, of Hamilton, N.J., management; and Raedler, of Castelldefelds, Spain, marketing.

The dual degree program with the University of Applied Sciences in Mainz, Germany, was initiated two years ago. This fall, Coastal Carolina University will receive the first three of the Mainz students who will work toward this dual degree combination.

Coastal Carolina University's Wall College of Business has dual degree programs in international business with two universities in Germany and in international tourism management with universities in Spain and Germany. In each case, credits are transferred via articulation agreements for students applying to the program to allow them to complete their degree requirements at the partner university with one year of study at the partner university. The degrees are awarded simultaneously at both institutions.

For further information, please contact Domke-Damonte at 843 -349- 2129 or by e-mail at