
Coastal co-sponsors retirement conference in October

September 17, 2004

The annual Carolinas Active Retirement Association (CARA) Conference, co-sponsored by Coastal Carolina University, will be held Oct. 13-15 in Beaufort, with the theme “Understanding the Carolinas “Age Wave’.” The focus of the conference is how to better serve, market to and build for aging Carolinians, as well as thousands of retirees who migrate to the state each year.

The conference is geared towards business people and service providers who work with older adults and retirees. Coastal’s Center for the Study of Aging and Active Retirement (CSAAR), in concert with the E. Craig Wall Sr. College of Business, is co-sponsoring the conference, and Reid Johnson and Rocky Cartisano of CSAAR will represent the university.

Johnson will also deliver a presentation on “What Lures and Satisfies Retirees?” For more information and registration materials, contact the center at 349-4115 or 349-4116 before Sept. 30. .