Charter and Reports

Faculty Ombuds Office Charter

Strongly recommended by the International Ombudsmen Association, an ombuds office charter defines the authority, responsibilities, limitations and general procedures of an ombuds office. In keeping with the origins of the CCU Faculty Ombuds office, this charter agreement is endorsed and signed by the faculty ombuds, the chair of the Faculty Senate, the University provost, the University president, and University counsel.

Download the Faculty Ombuds Office Charter Agreement (PDF) 
Download the 2021 Faculty Ombuds Charter Amendment (PDF)

    Renee Smith
    Kimbel Library 210
    By appointment
    Virtual and in-person meetings available.
    John Dooley
    Kimbel Library 210
    Office Hours Tue/Wed/Thurs 8:00-4:30
    Virtual and in-person meetings available.

Faculty Ombuds Reports

The following annual reports (PDFs) are prepared by the faculty ombuds to inform the University community about trends and patterns of issues and concerns raised to this office. No individual contacts or cases are reported and no records of any type are retained about individual communications. Only aggregate data is provided in order to protect the confidentiality of visitors. Questions about these reports may be directed to the faculty ombuds.

Staff Ombuds Office Charter

Strongly recommended by the International Ombudsmen Association, an ombuds office charter defines the authority, responsibilities, limitations, and general procedures of an ombuds office. The charter agreement is endorsed and signed by the staff ombuds and the University president.

Download the Staff Ombuds Office Charter Agreement (PDF)

Staff Ombuds Reports

The following annual reports (PDFs) are prepared by the staff ombuds to inform the University community about trends and patterns of issues and concerns raised to this office. No individual contacts or cases are reported and no records of any type are retained about individual communications. Only aggregate data is provided in order to protect confidentiality of visitors. Questions about these reports may be directed to the staff ombuds.

2022 Ombuds Report and Survey Results