Begin creating your legacy and finding belonging with your out-of-class experience.


What is Pathway 1954?

Pathway 1954 is a leadership and engagement approach to add value to the out-of-class experience for every CCU student. This will be a self-paced, co-curricular experience that will offer many opportunities for students to engage in several content areas. Students that complete Pathway 1954 will have the opportunity to be inducted into the 1954 Society.

What is 1954 Society?

1954 Society is an honor society that will celebrate the work and achievements of the students that complete Pathway 1954. The accomplishments and induction into 1954 Society can be used as tool when applying for jobs and graduate and professional schools.


Questions: Contact us at

Pathway 1954 Curriculum

Each competency area will have three (3) required core experiences accompanied by two (2) electives that each student will have the option of selecting from the curriculum below!!

Life Design  

Required (3)

  • Attend Career Fair
  • Attend an Academic Coaching Session
  • Attend event/program hosted by Student Involvement & Leadership

Electives (2)

  • Attend a career development services workshop
  • Schedule an appointment with a career counselor
  • Attend a second Career Fair
  • Service in a departmental leadership role

Spirits and Traditions

Required (3)

  • Attend Teal Nation Welcome Event
  • Upload a Teal Tuesday Photo
  • Attend an athletic event 

Electives (2)

  • Attend a second athletic event
  • Attend a homecoming event
  • Nominate someone for a Student Involvement and Leadership Award (SILA)
  • Attend Coastal Colors Day
  • Attend an event hosted by your RA
  • Attend CINO Day
  • Attend Student Tailgate


Required (3)

  • Attend an event hosted by LiveWell
  • Download the TimelyCare app
  • Participate in the Student Services at Kimbel Library

Electives (2)

  • Attend Countdown Don’t Melt Down
  • Attend Take Back the Night Event
  • Participate in a club sports team
  • Be a part of an NCAA athletic team at CCU
  • StepUp Event

Civic Engagement

Required (3)

  • Complete 5 hours of community service
  • Attend 1 event hosted by Global Engagement
  • Attend 1 event hosted by Community & Civic Engagement

Electives (2)

  • Vote in the SGA Election
  • Participate in an event hosted by Sustain Coastal
  • Attend an SGA meeting
  • Participate in an alternative spring break trip
  • Participate in a study abroad experience
  • Join a team for Relay for Life
  • Register to vote

Personal Development

Required (3)

  • Attend an Event/Workshop Hosted by Student Involvement & Leadership
  • Attend Organization Kick Off Day (OK Day)
  • Attend an event or a workshop hosted by Intercultural and Inclusion Student Services (IISS)

Electives (2)

  • Participate in CliftonStrengths Workshop
  • Join a student organization or department initiative
  • Participate in Safe Zone Training
  • Complete Type Focus Assessment