Sponsored Programs 


Sponsored programs are defined as activities, sponsored in whole or in part by sources external to the university, for which there is an expectation on the part of the sponsor for performance, a deliverable or outcome. Sponsored programs are awarded through grants, cooperative agreements, and contracts. The Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Services (OSPRS) is the department authorized to seek, accept and administer all sponsored agreements on behalf of Coastal Carolina University.

Pre-Award activities are defined as those things that occur prior to a funding proposal submission or following a submission, but before an award is made from the sponsor and includes things such as writing project narratives, creating budgets, or completing application forms. Post-Award activities all occur once an official notice of award is made to the university and include things such as conducting the project and reporting or purchasing goods or services.

Some sponsors use the terms “grant” and “gift” interchangeably, but they are not the same thing. A grant is a sponsored program/project managed by the OSPRS and a gift is a donation managed by the Office for Advancement and Alumni Engagement. To assist in determining the difference when seeking funding for a project or program, consider the following:

SP Gift Cart Image

Gift Table PDF


Additional Support
