CCU Spotlights:

Quality Matters Certifications at CCU...

Coastal Carolina University is proud to celebrate the following faculty members who have completed Quality Matters training, earning nationally recognized certificates and role certifications! The dedication of these Faculty members is commended as their efforts to online quality assurance is seen in their online and hybrid courses as well as the mentorship they provide their peers. For these certifications, faculty participated in different QM Training Opportunities including the latest Applying the QM Rubric Training and Peer Reviewer Training that have led them to become valuable mentors in the QM Initiative here at CCU.  The QM Higher Ed Peer Reviewer and Master Reviewer certifications earn also allow them to serve in official QM roles for higher education institutions across our nation, and here at CCU.

Please join us in congratulating them and contact us today to learn more on how you can join the CCU Spotlight.

APPQMR: Applying the QM Rubric (7th Edition):

  • Nicole Arcuri-Sanders 
  • Amanda Brian
  • Lee Brown 
  • Alexa Cecil
  • Hannah Coffman
  • Donna Corriher
  • Marvin Evans  
  • Monica Fine 
  • Kristen Fleckenstein
  • Matthew Gilbert
  • Heather Hagan
  • Thomas Hoffman
  • Kyle  Holody
  • Suzanne Horn 
  • Ashley Hughes
  • Kayla  Jessop- Jacoby
  • Elizabeth  Johansen
  • Sheena Kauppila 
  • Victoria Knudsen 
  • Mary  Lopez
  • John  Marcis
  • Morgan Marshall
  • Amanda Masterpaul
  • Kate Oestreich
  • Terry Pettijohn
  • Bob Rajewski 
  • Gillian Richards-Greaves
  • Sangeeta Saxena 
  • Ina Seethaler
  • Amanda  Siegrist 
  • Renee Smith 
  • Matthew Tyler
  • Samantha Udeagha
  • Nicole Uphold
  • George Warriner III
  • Denise Williams 
  • Casey  Woodling

Certified Peer Reviewers:

  • Matthew Tyler (Master Reviewer)
  • Ashley Hughes 
  • Nicole Arcuri-Sanders 
  • Suzanne Horn


How to become a Quality Matters Peer Reviewer:  


  • Must have taught an online course within the past 18 months. 
  • Successfully complete: 
    • Applying the QM Rubric (APPQMR) 
    • Peer Reviewer Course (PRC) – Online, two-week facilitated course.