Applied Physics Minor

Applied Physics Minor

(20-26 Credits)

Students interested in the applied physics minor should contact the department chair of physics. A grade of ‘C’ or better is required in each course to be applied toward the minor.

Program Requirements
Complete the following:   4
PHYS 211/211L Essentials of Physics I/Laboratory  (4 credits)  
Choose from the following: (4-8 credits)  4-8
PHYS 212/212L OR Essentials of Physics II/Laboratory (4 credits) 
PHYS 213/213L AND Fundamentals of Physics I/Laboratory (4 credits) 
PHYS 214/214L Fundamentals of Physics II/Laboratory (4 credits) 
Choose two from the following: (6 credits)  6
PHYS 301 Analytical Mechanics (3 credits)  
PHYS 302 Electricity and Magnetism (3 credits)  
PHYS 303 Quantum Mechanics (3 credits)  
PHYS 341 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics (3 credits)
Choose two from the following: (6-8 credits*)  6-8*
Any 300 or above Physics course (3-4 credits)  
CHEM 441/441L  Physical Chemistry I/Laboratory (4 credits)  
CHEM 442/442L Physical Chemistry II/Laboratory (4 credits)  
MSCI 301/301L Physical Oceanography/Laboratory (4 credits)  
*PHYS 399 Independent Study may be used for three credits only.  

Total Credits Required 


The information above is from the 2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog »

Have questions? Contact:

George Wes Hitt, Ph.D.
Associate Professor, Department Chair
Smith Science 114C