Beyond the Classroom

Beyond the Classroom

The Department of Political Science provides students with multiple opportunities to engage with mock political systems and experiential internships, as well as special events, such as lectures from visiting scholars.

March 2023 Panel Discussion: "Fighting Against Major Party Polarization: Can a Different Approach Improve American Politics?”

Watch the full event here.

May 2022 Summer School in the Republic of Georgia

Eight Coastal Carolina University (CCU) students: Tyler Akers, Tessa Bentley, Piper Danzek, Sarah Gabriel, Sierra Mason, Casey Mazzone, Robert Weissbach, and Carlos Westley, led by three faculty from the Department of Political Science and the Department of Languages and Intercultural Studies (Mariam Dekanozishvili, Ph.D.; Richard Aidoo, Ph.D.; and Anna Oldfield, Ph.D.,) visited the Republic of Georgia in May. They participated in the Summer School “Security Perspectives in the Eurasian Region” jointly organized by CCU and Ilia State University in the Republic of Georgia. The program was sponsored by the Rustaveli National Science Foundation of Georgia grant obtained by Ilia State University and CCU. It also received support from a US Department of Education Title VI grant awarded to CCU. This is the second time CCU students have taken part in the Summer School at Ilia State University in Georgia.

The eight CCU students were joined by 17 Georgian students. Together, the students had an opportunity to participate in various workshops on the topic of Eurasian Security taught by CCU and Ilia State University professors at the Bazaleti Lake Resort. In the framework of the Summer School, students also visited various cultural and historical sights: the 13th century built Gergeti Trinity Church in the tallest mountains of Georgia and the entire Europe, a 5th century ancient Jvari Monastery, and 11th century church Svetitskhoveli in Mtskheta, the old capital of Georgia.

Students had a chance to observe the camps of internally displaced people and visit Gori region. The program concluded with the visit to Tbilisi, the capital of Georgia. After a briefing on Georgia’s security challenges by a government official at the Ministry of Defense Training Center, CCU students visited an ancient Narikala Fortress, Peace Bridge, and other thrilling places in the old Tbilisi downtown. Considering the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, the students received a lecture from Professor Elena Shevchenko from Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv who carefully and passionately discussed the informational component of Russian-Ukrainian war. 

Summer School participants were awarded certificates at the closing banquet at Ilia State University. “This is a unique experiential learning opportunity for CCU students: Within this past week, our students not only obtained new perspectives regarding Georgia and the wider Eurasian region, but also forged new friendships with their Georgian peers. The Summer School provided opportunity for cultural exchange and joint learning. This constitutes a true global experience. We are looking forward to expanding CCU cooperation with Ilia State University,” commented Dekanozishvili, who developed and co-led the program.


South Carolina Student Legislature

SCSL-NewThe South Carolina Student Legislature (SCSL) is a student-run mock legislature. Colleges and universities in South Carolina send delegations to two annual sessions to debate bills and further their knowledge about parliamentary procedure and state government.

Make sure to enroll in POLI 440 - SCSL to receive credit.

For more information, contact Frederick Wood or Adam Chamberlain.

Model European Union

Model EU PhotoHere at CCU, you can participate in the Model European Union, a great ‌program which let students see how a global organization like the European Union works. In Model EU, teams of students represent the European Union member states at the European Council Summit simulation. This is an excellent way to learn more about the countries of the world and how they interact, and meet students from other universities. 

To receive credit for Model EU, enroll in POLI 342 - EU Institutions and Policymaking, and POLI 430Q - Model European Union.

For more information, contact Mariam Dekanozishvili.

Mock Trial

New Mock Trial PhotoDid you know that Coastal Carolina University has one of the two mock trial teams in South Carolina? Mock trial is an imitation trial program in which students participate in rehearsed trials to learn new skills and compete in national competitions. The competition on the college circuit is governed by the American Mock Trial Association, and prepares students for not only competition at the law school level, but also for the actual practice of law.

We at CCU are very proud of our pre-law program, and are dedicated to seeing our graduates become effective attorneys no matter what career path they choose.

To receive credit for your Mock Trial participation, enroll in POLI 448 - Mock Trial.

For more information, contact Michael Julius.

Moot Court

Moot CourtMoot Court is an appellate court activity where students hone oral advocacy and legal reasoning skills by arguing a fictitious case before panels of judges in competitions against other colleges and universities around the country. Moot court can be fun and competitive, but it also equips students with essential skills that will prepare them for law school and the actual practice of law.

Competitions are governed by the American Moot Court association. Preparation takes place over the summer and early fall, while invitational and elimination tournaments take place during Fall semesters.

To receive credit for Moot Court participation, enroll in POLI 444Q - Moot Court.

For more information, contact Mikel Norris.

International Student Festival in Trondheim (ISFIT)

ISFIT-NewThe International Student Festival in Trondheim (ISFIT) is the world's largest student meeting which takes place in Norway every two years. This global event brings together students from every continent to discuss and debate challenging global issues. The event fosters cooperation and lifetime friendships among these students as they learn from each other. An invaluable part of this experience is the workshops that bring these students together in smaller groups to dialogue on diverse matters related to the theme of the festival. 

To receive credit for ISFIT, make sure to enroll in POLI 491 - ISFIT.

For more information, please contact Richard Aidoo.

Semester in D.C.

The Semester in D.C. program is a semester long internship at the prestigious Washington Internship Institute, where students from the U.S. and abroad will receive a combination of hands-on experience and classroom experience. The topics of focus will be public service, leadership, and professional development.

For more information visit, Washington Internship Institute at CCU or

To enroll in the internship class, please contact Adam Chamberlain.

The Department of Political Science has strategic partnerships within the university, and in the region and nation. 

Dyer Institute Logo ‌

Partnerships - WIIDC Logo

Partnerships - SCPSA Logo‌‌