Atlanta Shootings

Message - President BensonOffice of the President

Message from President Michael T. Benson 

Atlanta Shootings

March 19, 2021

Dear Faculty, Staff, and Students:

At Coastal Carolina University, we strive to make our campus a community and endeavor to make our institution feel like home.  Notwithstanding, recent events that have transpired outside of Chanticleer Nation — like the horrific shootings in Atlanta on Tuesday — are weighing heavily on many members of our university community.

While the investigation in Georgia continues, we do know this: Over the past year, hate crimes against Asian Americans have increased 150% while decreasing among the overall populace.

I reiterate our goal at Coastal Carolina to make our community welcome to all. Our Asian American and Island Pacific students, staff, and faculty have a place here just as everyone else does.

The feelings of hurt and sorrow that result from the malicious actions of others, like what we witnessed Tuesday, compel me to reiterate my open-door policy: Any member of our community, any time, can come to my office and express any concern. Also, our talented staff members in various offices across the campus, including Intercultural and Inclusion Student Services and Counseling Services, are willing to provide care and support.

Lastly, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues on and the semester's end quickly approaches, remember you are not alone. We are stronger together. Every Chanticleer is a valued member of our family.

Yours sincerely,

Michael T. Benson