
Student Research Projects

Department of Psychology

Student Research

Psychology majors at Coastal Carolina University have the opportunity to conduct individual research while enrolled in a senior research course. This course allows students to investigate extensively a psychological issue or problem of their choosing. Some students have presented their research at local, regional, and national professional conferences, and some have submitted their research for publication in undergraduate or professional research journals. Some recent senior research projects conducted by students include:

  • Gender and Sentencing: The Effects of Perpetrator Gender on Length of Criminal Sentencing
  • Introversion/Extraversion as Related to Public Speaking Anxiety
  • Drinking Habits and Feelings of Hopelessness in College Students
  • A Comparison of Positive Reinforcement and Response Cost Procedures on a Computer Trivia Game
  • Paranormal Beliefs as a Function of Age and Gender
  • Road Rage as a Function of Locus of Control
  • Effect of Marijuana Smoking on Short-Term Memory

Want to participate in student and/or faculty research? Click here.

Some upcoming meetings of scientific societies and associations where psychological research is presented include: