Graduate Student Incentive Grants

Graduate Student Incentive Grants

The CCU University Research Council (link) sponsors the Graduate Student Incentive Grant program to support research, scholarship, and creative activities by CCU graduate students in all disciplines.

View Recent Recipients 

Incentive Grants may be used for:

  1. Matching funds for graduate student generated grant proposals.
  2. Supplies/materials not covered by other funding in support of research/scholarship/creative activities (office/lab computers not supported).
  3. Travel incurred for research, scholarship, presentation, exhibition, or performance.


  1. Students must be fully admitted to a graduate degree program at CCU.
  2. Must be in good standing (3.0 GPA)
  3. Evidence of progress toward the graduate degree
  4. Award recipients are eligible to re-apply in subsequent years though preference is generally given to new applicants

 Application Instructions:

  1. Download the Graduate Student Incentive Grant proposal form.
  2. Complete the proposal form and submit it as an email attachment to The subject line of the email should be “GSIG (your last name).”  Questions can also be directed to
  3. Request a letter of support from your faculty research advisor indicating: (1) approval of your proposed project/activity, (2) importance of grant to your planned project/activity, and (3) an assessment of your ability to carry out the proposed project/activity. Your advisor should email the letter, as an attachment, directly to, with the subject line “GSIG letter or support.”

Submission Deadline:   

  • Fall submission:          September 8 (for projects/events beginning after October 1)
  • Spring Submission:     January 24 (for projects/events beginning after February 15)

Max awards are $1000.  Funds are awarded for up to one year.

Responsibilities of recipients:

  1. Expenditures must be approved by the student’s major professor/advisor and must be submitted through normal departmental procedures.
  2. Upon completion of the project, recipients must submit a summary statement to the URC describing (1) how the funds were used, (2) their impact upon academic/career development, and (3) a copy or evidence of any products produced and supported by URC funding that contribute to the disciplinary knowledge base.