Faculty Resources

Resources for Faculty Research Mentors

 UGR best practices

  • Mentoring Resources from the University of Buffalo Center for Undergraduate Research and Creative Activities
    • Excellent site with mentoring pointers and link
  • Mentoring Guide from the University of Miami
    • Several portions are specific to UM programs, but lots of good information in here

Funding opportunities

  • Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Services – visit the OSPRS for help with applying for external funding

Post your research story

We will be happy to post your research stories and student experiences on this site. Just send the following information in an email to ryoung@coastal.edu:

  1. Title of Project (for the non-specialist general web audience)
  2. Name and major of research student(s)
  3. Name and department of faculty mentor(s)
  4. Project funding sources/sponsors that should be acknowledged (you may include a logo if you like)
  5. A paragraph summarizing the project, written for the non-specialist web audience. Essential components should be a sentence or two each, and include:
    • A statement of project objective/goal
    • A summary of what was done
    • A summary of major findings (between one and three take-home messages)
    • A statement of the significance/importance of the work/activity
  6. A related photograph – ideally an active photo of the student conducting the project, but it could also be related to the research subject/procedure or even just a portrait photo of the student.
  7. Optional
    • Student quote regarding the value of their CCU research experience
    • Student’s career/graduate school plans (or current activities if just graduated)
    • Link to a related website/publication/etc.