Present or Publish Your Research

Present or Publish Research

A major goal of all research is to add to the body of knowledge in the field. You can achieve this goal by presenting or publishing the results of your research.

Presenting Your Research

Annual CCU Undergraduate Research Competition

All students completing research, scholarship, and creative works projects are encouraged to present at CCU's annual Undergraduate Research Competition.

Discipline-Specific Conferences, Symposia, Exhibitions, and Performances

Presentation at discipline-specific venues is highly recommended. Your faculty research mentor may suggest professional conferences and other events in your field that may accept your work for presentation. The opportunity to network with professionals in your field and receive feedback on your research makes this an extremely rewarding and memorable experience for UGR students. Click below for:

Multi-Disciplinary Undergraduate Research Conferences

Several general UGR conferences also provide a presentation venue and a multi-disciplinary perspective on UGR. These include:

Publishing Your Research, Scholarship or Creative Work

CCU Publications (Peer Reviewed)

  • Bridges – CCU’s own scholarly journal, expressly devoted to publishing quality undergraduate research. For more information visit
  • Archarios – CCU’s own arts and literature journal, which welcomes both student and faculty contributions.

Discipline-Specific Professional Journals/Publications (Peer Reviewed)

  • Discuss appropriate publications with your research mentor or the Office of Undergraduate Research
  • Plan ahead – Publication can be a lengthy process

Undergraduate Research Journals (Peer Reviewed)