2024 Coastal Carolina University
Recreation and Sport Management

RSM Symposium LogoThe Coastal Carolina University Recreation and Sport Management Symposium is scheduled for November 15, 2024!

The symposium is set for 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. A keynote speaker and two breakout room sessions at the Lib Jackson Student Union will take place in the morning. The first breakout session will focus on skill sets such as marketing, communication, and social media, operations, facility management, and event planning, as well as sales, fundraising, and sponsorship. The second breakout session will focus on how to plan for life beyond graduation, graduate school information, and a discussion with young RSM professionals who entered the industry in the past 24 months. The remaining activities, which include a networking lunch and an industry fair, are encouraged for all RSM students who are registered will take place in the Brooks Stadium West Zone.

The purpose of the symposium is to provide an opportunity for Recreation and Sport Management students and industry experts to network, while also providing the students an opportunity to develop professionally and find internships/jobs in the field.

The RSM faculty plan to host this event annually to assist Recreation and Sport Management students in this highly competitive work market. Professional development activities include sessions on resume writing , interviewing, and professional expectations. The conference will include members of the Eastern District of the South Carolina Recreation and Parks Association in addition to professionals from collegiate and professional athletics, local governments, sport tourism, state parks, outdoor recreation, sales, marketing, and communications.

The Recreation and Sport Management faculty are optimistic that the Symposium will attract new students by elevating the department and college. The Symposium will assist in fostering the conditions necessary for students to succeed after college by enabling them to explore a wide range of career options, allowing them to discover their interests, and reducing the pressure of internships by giving them a chance to network with local and outside professionals.

The RSM faculty hope you join us for this impactful educational experience to further embark on your experience here at Coastal Carolina University as a Recreation and Sport Management major!

Schedule Links Coming Soon

Informative PDF Links Below:

RSM Symposium Advisory Board

2023 RSM Symposium Career Fair Logo Collage