
Student Empowerment and Advocacy

Student Empowerment and Advocacy

We believe that empowerment is a vital aspect of advocacy. To that end, Student Empowerment and Advocacy partners with students to foster self-advocacy when facing barriers to success.

The college experience can be stressful and overwhelming for many students. However, when a difficult situation interferes significantly with a student's well-being, it may be time to seek assistance. The Student Empowerment and Advocacy (SEA) team is dedicated to providing comprehensive advocacy and intervention services to assist students in managing all aspects of their personal, social and academic success in an effort to balance the needs of individual students with the needs of the campus community. SAI serves to:

  • Support students in managing all aspects of their personal, social and academic success;
  • Address questions or concerns about utilizing various campus resources;
  • Assist students who are struggling to function academically, socially, or mentally as a result of a personal challenge or crisis; and
  • Aid students in identifying and navigating offices both on and off campus to meet their respective needs. 
Areas of assistance
  • Academic distress
  • Advisement through University processes or policies
  • Behavior that is concerning or unsafe
  • Bias Incidents
  • Communication with University faculty and staff
  • Death or illness of a family member
  • Financial distress
  • Food insecurity
  • Homelessness/loss of housing
  • Hospitalization
  • Identifying community support
  • Inability to find resources
  • Medical needs
  • Mental health needs
  • Personal safety needs
  • Personal/family emergencies
  • Relationship distress
  • Title IX guidance and support

In addition to the areas of assistance above, SEA also provides off-campus student services.

Off-Campus Student Services partners with to assist with your off-campus housing search. This service includes a roommate search tool as well as educational components designed to help you become great community members.

How to utilize our services

We encourage students to call and speak with a member of the Student Empowerment and Advocacy Intervention team. This is helpful for a couple of reasons:

  • Most often we are able to answer questions and/or deliver information over the telephone.
  • Your specific concern may involve some research from us, which means you may be best served by making an appointment to allow us time to get some answers before your meeting.
  • Since we are a small office serving a large population of students, we strive to be as resourceful and reactive as possible. Calling ahead will help us better serve you.

Student Empowerment and Advocacy Intervention is not therapy. The laws that apply to a confidential therapeutic relationship do not apply to all helping relationships. There may be instances when information needs to be shared with other campus partners to ensure the safety of the campus community. While confidentiality cannot be guaranteed, information will only be shared strictly on a need-to-know basis. For effective coordination of services, students may be asked to sign a release of information.

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