Major & Career

Major/Career Questions

I think I want to change my major, but I’m not sure. What do I do?

If you are considering a major change, let your current advisor know. They will likely direct you to the Office of Career Services, whose career counselors are greatly helpful for students considering a major change. Conducting your own research on other academic departments and majors before you meet with your advisor and/or Career Services is advised.

Schedule an appointment with Career Services

How do I officially change my major or add a minor?

To change your major, submit the electronic Change of Academic Program Form on the Student Forms website. The same form is used to change a concentration/specialization, or add or change a minor.

What is a minor and do I need to have one?

A minor is a specialization in something other than your major. Minors typically require between 18 and 24 credits of additional coursework, or six to eight additional courses. Some majors have minors or cognates built into their curriculum, so you are required or encouraged to choose one. Some majors do not. You should consult your advisor and the University Catalog for more information on minors.

Should I take all of my Core Curriculum courses before I start on my major courses?

No. It is wise to wait on taking some Core Curriculum courses so that you can combine these with upper level major courses later. While it might seem ideal to "get these courses out of the way," you could slow the progression through your major courses if your main focus is on completing core classes. Consult with your advisor each semester about how to break down your schedule.