
Hello CCU parents! On this page, you will find suggestions to help you stay involved with your student or students at Coastal Carolina University.

Help with classes

The transition from high school level courses to undergraduate might leave students feeling overwhelmed, making them reluctant to contact their professors for help. If the student speaks to you about struggling with classes, encourage them to attend tutoring.


Help with personal status

We strive to provide a safe and positive learning environment for students, however, we acknowledge some factors are beyond our control. Students in stressful situations may find themselves feeling lost. If the student's mental or emotional health is deteriorating, we offer counseling services to help them through their struggles.

The student does not need to make an appointment for a crisis situation and may simply go for help at any time.



The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a federal law that affords parents the right to have access to their children’s education records, the right to seek to have the records amended, and the right to have some control over the disclosure of personally identifiable information from the education records. When a student turns 18 years old, or enters a postsecondary institution at any age, the rights under FERPA transfer from the parents to the student (“eligible student”). This means that academic advisors cannot share a student’s educational records with anyone other than the student.

For more information on FERPA including FAQs for parents, visit the Office of the Registrar.