
Course Registration

I already know what classes I want to take next semester. Do I have to meet with my advisor?

Yes. All CCU students must meet with their academic advisor in order to register for classes. Near the start of each semester, a Registration hold is placed on your account. Once you meet with your advisor, that hold is lifted and you are able to register for classes.

What is Program Evaluation and where do I find it?

The Progress Report is your go-to planning tool for course registration and degree completion. The Progress Report allows you to view which required courses you have completed, courses that are currently in progress, and courses that you still need to complete. You can access your Program Evaluation in Self-Service. For a better understanding of Program Evaluation (specifically the Core Curriculum), click the link below or schedule an appointment with your academic advisor.

I am trying to register for classes. My first-choice courses AND the backup courses I chose with my advisor are full. What do I do?

Consult your Progress Report for other classes in the same category of those that you need. Choose a class that works to get the class on your schedule. Consult your advisor afterward if you are still unsure. If you need help with planning and registering see the info below.

Watch our tutorial video for an overview of how to register for classes in Webadvisor:

How to Register for Classes in Self-Service

What does it mean to have a hold on my account?

You can have holds on your student account for various reasons. Some common holds are: you need to meet with your academic advisor to discuss courses for the upcoming semester, you have an account balance that needs to be paid, or you need to submit your immunization records. Many holds prevent you from course registration, so you want to make sure your account is clear of holds before you register for classes.

You can check your holds in Self-Service. Click on the notifications in the upper right corner of the page for holds that prevent registration. You can contact the appropriate office if you need more information about the hold.