Requirements and Deadlines

Project Acceptability, Deadlines, and Program Requirements

The full application with the attached proposal should be submitted by April 15. Applications/proposals can be submitted HERE. All award decisions will be made prior to the end of the spring semester in which the proposal is submitted.

The actual project period is one academic year in length – August to May. The project start date will be the first day of classes in the subsequent fall semester.

The project can be:

• Based on the mentor’s research
• Student-generated idea or project
• Service learning or community-based research
• Projects can be based on senior theses
• Any combination of the above

• Students can sign up for non-traditional study credit (e.g., independent study or undergraduate research, etc.) with the faculty member using the course designation for independent studies in the student’s major. Students are expected to work two to three (2-3) hours per week for every credit hour taken as independent study. For example, if a student signs up to take three (3) credit hours of independent study during a semester, that student is expected to work six to nine (6-9) hours a week on the project under the direction of the faculty mentor. At a minimum, during the project period, the student is expected to work at least four to six (4-6) hours each week on the project.
Final presentations: At the end of the academic year, the student is required to present a research poster or oral research presentation at CCU’s annual undergraduate research competition AND at the S.C. Academy of Science Annual Meeting. Other conference presentations may also be supported and should be requested by the faculty mentor in the proposal if these are desired. Communication of science is incredibly important. This experience will provide invaluable experience to the student in communicating the science of the project to an external audience.

Note: The Gupta College will provide separate, additional funds for the student to attend and present at the S.C. Academy of Science. Costs associated with the academy's meeting do not need to be included in the budget for the project.