Embark on exciting, long-term  projects alongside a dynamic  team of students and faculty, all  while earning valuable academic  credits. Join us in turning  ambitious ideas into reality!


VIP@Coastal Carolina University

The Vertically Integrated Projects® (VIP) program at Coastal Carolina University comprises teams of undergraduate students from various academic years, disciplines, and backgrounds collaborating with faculty and graduate students on ambitious, long-term projects. By joining a VIP team, you'll have the chance to work on cutting-edge research projects, earn academic credits over multiple semesters, and receive mentorship from a faculty member.

Beginners are welcome! You don’t have to be an expert to join. If you're interested in research, developing diverse skills and experiences, and working with other STEM majors on a team, this is a great opportunity to consider.

VIP involves team-oriented approaches to real-world, long-term research topics. Projects are often multidisciplinary, offering participants unique opportunities to gain knowledge and skills while earning course credit. Student researchers participate over multiple (at least three) semesters, becoming introduced and oriented to a research team, progressing through learning research techniques, and applying their experience as returning participants to evaluate data and train new team members, all while advancing scientific research.

How VIP Works

  • Explore the tiles below that describe various VIP teams. 
  • Contact the contact to learn more and gain approval to register via special permission. 
  • Register for 1-2 credits of directed research, independent research, or special topics (the team leader will guide you). 
  • For most degree programs, VIP research credits will count towards elective requirements. Double-check your program requirements and discuss research credits with your advisor. 
  • Work with your VIP team for 3 or more semesters. 
  • See VIP credits identified on your transcript and enjoy special recognition at graduation!