Phage Genes VIP

Phunctional Analysis of Phage Genes

What is the broad research goal of the team? 

This project aims to systematically analyze each gene within a bacteriophage genome and determine whether the expression of individual phage genes influences host cells. In doing so, we hope to identify possible antimicrobial molecules and characterize molecular mechanisms that mediate bacterial cytotoxicity.

What skills and experiences will team members gain?

  • Proficiency in fundamental molecular biology methods, such as PCR and gel electrophoresis used to clone phage genes into expression plasmid vectors
  • Experience with microbiological techniques through the transformation and induction of gene expression in host cells.
  • Enhanced understanding of bacteriophage biology and genomics
  • Development of independent research skills that include data analysis and presentation
  • Increased ability to collaborate with others and work within a supporting community of undergraduate researchers

Team member expectations:

  • Active participation and contributions to the overall goals of the research lab
  • Regular involvement and input at weekly lab meetings
  • Perseverance and willingness to troubleshoot anomalous experimental outcomes
  • Formal presentation of research to the broader community at scientific meetings

Relevant majors:

  • Biology
  • Chemistry and Biochemistry
  • Marine Science
  • Computer Science
  • Students interested in this research project are encouraged to have completed BIOL 302 - Phage Discovery and BIOL 303 - Phage Bioinformatics

Course Information:

For more information on this research project or bacteriophage courses at CCU, contact Daniel Williams, Department of Biology, Credit is available for this research opportunity as BIOL 399.