Team Benthos VIP

Team Benthos

What is the broad research goal of the team?

The research goals of Team Benthos are to study the biology, ecology, and taxonomy of sessile benthic invertebrates of coastal habitats using field, laboratory, and molecular ecology techniques. All members of the sessile benthic invertebrate community are of interest, but research is frequently focused on ascidians (also known as sea squirts).

What skills and experience will team members gain?

Precise skills depend on the nature of the team members’ project, but may include:

  • Micropipetting
  • Molecular biology protocols such as DNA extraction and purification and gel electrophoresis
  • Experience using dissecting and compound microscopes
  • Dissection skills
  • Best practices for field sample collection
  • Data organization and record-keeping
  • Data analysis
  • Scientific communication

Team-member expectations:

The overall learning objective for members of Team Benthos is to learn the process of scientific research from project design to data collection and analysis to scientific communication. First-time team members will focus on learning sample collection, sample processing, and good scientific record-keeping skills.

Continuing team members will add data analysis and communication skills. As team members become proficient in various skills, they will assist Dr. Stefaniak with training new team members. Advanced team members will have the opportunity to design independent projects and, under the guidance of Dr. Stefaniak, supervise other students performing the research on those projects.

Majors and degree programs that are a good fit:

  • Biology
  • Marine Coastal Environmental Science
  • Marine Science
  • Sustainability and Coastal  Resilience: Science and Ecosystems Concentration

Course and Contact Information: