Assessment Committee

Spadoni College of Education and Social Sciences Assessment Committee

The Spadoni College of Education and Social Sciences Assessment Committee was established in 2009-2010. Each College at Coastal Carolina University has a College Assessment Committee. The committee coordinates the assessment creation and approval efforts within the College while supporting the needs of the College.

Assessment Committee Membership

  • Assessment Coordinator of the SCOE (ex officio), Committee Chair
  • One (1) faculty members from each department within the College, on staggered 3-year terms.  Faculty membership is an elected position.  Members may be re-elected to the committee for one (1) additional consecutive term.  Membership should include a combination of graduate and undergraduate faculty representing both initial and advanced programs. 
  • Director of Program Evaluation and Accreditation
  • Representative from the Center for Excellence and Academic Advisement

The Committee's Charge  (Adapted from the University's Assessment Handbook, Appendix F)

  • Ensure a quality assurance process to verify goals, objectives, policies, and procedures of the College are aligned with the mission of the College, University, and the University’s Strategic Plan as well as the needs of the University and/or College accrediting bodies.
  • Analyze and monitor unit-wide data to track results over time.  Use results to establish priorities and make recommendations, via the Assessment Committee’s role in the assessment change process.
  • Continue sustained dialogue about teaching and learning that supports a culture of assessment and relies on evidence of student learning outcomes to inform actions.
  • Consider initiatives and strategies to build on the assessment efforts of the College.
  • Review and evaluate annual assessment reports submitted by academic programs within the College.
  • Provide support for academic programs within the College that require assistance selecting meaningful assessments, analyzing assessment data to determine strengths and weaknesses, or using assessment data to inform curriculum and instruction. 

Spadoni College of Education and Social Sciences Assessment Handbook

The Assessment Handbook was last updated in Fall 2020.  It is intended to be a fluid document that is updated as assessments and related policies change.  The Handbook undergoes a complete revision every 3 years. 

Assessment Handbook - 2020