Initial Licensure Assessments

Initial Licensure

EPP-wide Assessments for all initial programs

1. Appropriate Praxis II Subject Assessment test scores

Candidates must submit scores from their completion of the Praxis II exam prior to the internship semester. Scores are due to the Office of Clinical Placements no later than January 1 for spring internship and August 1 for fall internship. Candidates will not be recommended for licensure unless they pass the Praxis II exams. Score requirements are determined by the South Carolina Department of Public Instruction.

2. Appropriate Praxis Principles of Learning and Teaching test scores

Candidates in all undergraduate programs must submit evidence of having taken Praxis PLT in order to graduate, and must earn passing scores in order to be recommended for licensure.  Candidates in the Master’s of Arts in Teaching program must submit passing scores to be recommended for graduation as well as licensure. Passing scores are determined by the South Carolina State Department of Education, and must be submitted to the Clinical Placement Office prior to graduation. 

South Carolina Test Requirements

3. South Carolina Teaching Standards (SCTS) 4.0 Rubric

Candidates in all programs are evaluated using the SCTS 4.0 rubric twice during internship—once during their formative conference, and once during their summative conference.  Candidates are expected to earn an average of a “2” on the rubric lines of the SCTS rubric during their summative evaluation. 

SCTS 4.0 Rubric (Advanced ADEPT)

4. Conceptual Framework Evaluation

Candidates in all programs are evaluated using the Conceptual Framework rubric twice during internship—once during their formative conference, and once during their summative conference.  Candidates are expected to earn a score of “proficient or higher” on the indicators of the Conceptual Framework rubric during their summative evaluation. 

Conceptual Framework Evaluation

5. Teacher Work Sample

Candidates in all programs are expected to complete the Teacher Work Sample during the internship semester. Candidates must earn an overall score of proficient or higher on this instrument. TWS Directions and Rubric

6. Spadoni College of Education and Social Sciences Lesson Plan

Candidates in all programs are expected to complete the Spadoni College of Education and Social Sciences Lesson Plan prior to internship.  Candidates are expected to earn a minimum score of “3” on each of the indicators of the Spadoni College of Education and Social Sciences Lesson Plan Rubric.

SCOE Lesson Plan Template

7. Assessment of Teacher Candidate Professional Dispositions

Candidates in all programs are assessed on dispositions throughout the course of their programs. As a key assessment, the College has chosen to collect the Assessment of Teacher Candidate Professional Dispositions conducted during the summative internship evaluation.  Candidates are expected to earn a score of "proficient or higher" on the indicators of this assessment. 

Professional Dispositions Initial Licensure: Questionnaire