Conceptual Framework

The overarching theme of the Conceptual Framework for all educator preparation programs is "The Educator as Reflective Practitioner." The initial and advanced teacher education programs and the advanced program in educational leadership focus on the development of knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions to ensure that all candidates are well prepared and meet all institutional, state, and professional standards at the completion of their program. The Conceptual Framework describes the shared vision of teaching, learning, and the preparation of teachers and school leaders. It outlines our philosophy and commitment to the education profession; guides programmatic decisions; and ensures coherence among curricula, field experiences, clinical practice, and the unit's assessment system. The Conceptual Framework reflects our commitment to integrate technology, demonstrate professional behavior and dispositions, engage in reflective practice, work with diverse populations, and apply content and pedagogical knowledge to the teaching and learning process.

Goals for Candidate Proficiency

The Educator as Reflective Practitioner theme defines the initial and advanced teacher education programs and the advanced program in educational leadership. The following goals for candidate proficiency are addressed and reflected in program student learning outcomes and course objectives:


Ability to apply content and pedagogical knowledge to the teaching and learning process



Demonstrate a thorough knowledge of subject matter and use such knowledge to create effective learning experiences for students (ADEPT 5ABC, 6ABC).



Understand instructional planning and design plans based on knowledge of subject matter, students, community, curriculum goals, and standards (ADEPT 1ABCDE, 2ABC, 6ABC; PADEPP 5.3).



Use a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students' development of critical thinking and problem solving skills (ADEPT 4C, 5B, 8C).



Manage the classroom and school to create a positive and safe learning environment (ADEPT 8ABC, 9ABC; PADEPP 4.2, 4.3, 4.4).



Understand and use formal and informal assessment strategies to evaluate and monitor student learning, modify instruction, and create positive environments for student learning (ADEPT 3ABC, 7ABC; PADEPP 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4).


Ability to integrate technology to improve teaching and learning



Plan and implement effective learning environments and experiences supported by technology (ADEPT 5AB, 8C).



Apply technology to facilitate effective assessment, evaluation, and productivity practices (ADEPT 1AD, 2C, 3BC).


Ability to work with diverse populations



Demonstrate knowledge of different cultural, emotional, developmental and cognitive needs of students (ADEPT 5ABC, 6ABC, 7ABC, 8ABC). 



Evaluate, plan and provide appropriate activities and experiences to meet the needs of culturally and developmentally diverse student populations (ADEPT 3ABC, 5ABC, 6ABC, 7ABC). 


Ability to demonstrate professional behavior and dispositions



Demonstrate a commitment to the ideal of fairness* in the treatment of students based on their educational needs (ADEPT 8B, 9A, 10D; PADEPP 6.2, 7.1).



Demonstrate a belief that all students can learn and convey confidence and caring in working with students (ADEPT 4ABC, 8BC, 10D; PADEPP 6.2, 7.1).



Demonstrate professional dispositions and a commitment to fulfilling professional responsibilities (ADEPT 10ABCDE; PADEPP 6.2, 7.1).


Ability to engage in reflective practice to improve teaching and learning



Analyze personal performance to improve teaching and learning (ADEPT 2C, 3 BC, 10E; PADEPP 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4; 9.1, 9.4).



Analyze student performance to improve teaching and learning (ADEPT 2C, 3ABC; PADEPP 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5). 

*Fairness (professional disposition):  The commitment demonstrated in striving to meet the educational needs of all students in a caring, non-discriminatory, and equitable manner.