Leadership Development

Each Coastal Carolina Teaching Fellow actively serves on one of the program’s internal committees each year. Each Teaching Fellows committee is responsible for completing various tasks, organizing events, and communicating information throughout the program.Teaching Fellows and Teachers Group Photo

Coastal Carolina University Teaching Fellows Committee Descriptions:

Social Committee (Food/Symposium)

The Social Committee organizes group activities and outings within the Teaching Fellows Program. This may include but is not limited to game nights, movie nights, bowling events, holiday events, etc. The goal of the Social Committee is to create a sense of community within the Teaching Fellows Program. This committee will also be responsible for picking up the food and beverages of any event as needed. Those on this committee should arrive early enough to have everything set up before the meeting begins. Once the meeting is over, the committee will be expected to stay after a few minutes and clean up the food as well. This committee will also be responsible for planning and executing the Spring Symposium. the committee will also be responsible for décor, food, devising a panel or keynote speaker, theme, invitations, ticket sales, etc.

Fundraising Committee

In order to raise funds for activities that the Teaching Fellows funds do not cover, the Fundraising Committee will oversee creating fundraising events to raise money for these extra interests; for example, adopting a family to shop for near Christmas Time and coming up with the movies to provide them with a Christmas they deserve. The committee is responsible for advertising for the fundraisers as well as planning a variety of fundraisers throughout the year.
Group Photo of Teaching Fellows

Professional Development Committee

Before each monthly meeting, the Professional Development Committee will be responsible for deciding what topic/speaker would benefit the majority of the group. Each month should be something different and something that can be applied to all the programs that are represented in our cohort. This committee should contact people they would like to speak. The committee will also be responsible for sending out a brief biography on the speaker prior to the meeting so that Fellows can include that information in their reflections. This committee will also write speakers a thank you note and prepare a small gift to give to them after their presentation.

Recruitment/ Teacher Cadet Committee

This Committee is required to organize and operate Mock Interview Day alongside the Freshman Cohort. This event gives potential new Fellows an opportunity to learn about our Teaching Fellows program and helps to prepare these potential Fellows for their Regional Interview Day. Each member of the Recruitment Committee will be responsible for creating one form of digital recruitment within the Fall semester that will be submitted to the directors by September 1st. This recruitment item must be able to be sent out using social media or within an email (such as videos, social media posts, flyers, info sessions, etc.). The Recruitment Committee will also be responsible for assisting with Teacher Cadet Day, Discovery Day, Teacher Cadet classroom visits, and other recruitment events. The Recruitment Committee will work closely with Mrs. Rebecca Masters.

Executive Committee

The Executive Committee includes the President, Vice President of Engagement, Vice President of Operations, the Committee Chairs, and the Cohort Representatives. The Executive Committee will be responsible for carrying out the roles specified by each of their positions. The Executive Committee is also responsible for conducting notebook checks each semester and ensuring that all Teaching Fellows are being held to the same standard.

Community Outreach Committee

Engaging with our local community is an important part of being a Coastal Carolina University Teaching Fellow. The Community Outreach Committee will choose one partnership within the community to allow the fellows to participate and volunteer with. (School, shelter, afterschool care, etc.) This can be where the fellows donate items, volunteer their time, or even just visit the people involved with the partnership. This committee will be expected to support and advertise for other partnering Spadoni College of Education and Social Sciences events like Trunk O’ Treat and Parents Night Out. This committee will also be responsible for reaching out to the community and Coastal Carolina University campus in order to provide Fellows with a list of possible volunteer opportunities and contact information for the secondary hour requirements. 

TF group photo on stage

Expectations and Attendance Committee

Professionalism is a major aspect of being a teacher and something that is instilled in Coastal Carolina University Teaching Fellows. The Expectations and Attendance Committee will be responsible for checking professional dress at all Business Meetings and Professional Developments held. They will be responsible for taking attendance using a Microsoft Excel Sheet on a computer. The Excel sheet will then need to be printed and placed into an attendance binder. Documentation of excuses and reasons for tardiness will follow the Excel sheet. Each member of the committee will be responsible for working the check-in table for Business Meetings and Professional Developments.  

New Fellow Foundation Committee

The New Fellow Foundation Committee is designed to support new Fellows as they transition to life as a college student and a Teaching Fellow. This committee will host events that inform new Fellows of the expectations and requirements for being a Teaching Fellow. Examples of these events include informational nights, workshops for notebooks and juries, how to balance outside clubs or sports, how to manage your responsibilities as a Teaching Fellow, and how to register for classes. The New Fellow Foundation Committee will also work with other committees, such as the Welcome Week/Freshman Experience Committee and the Social Committee, to plan events that will welcome all Fellows and encourage involvement and success within the Teaching Fellows Program.

Welcome Week/Freshman Experience Committee

Every Fall, the Freshman Teaching Fellows Cohort goes on an experience trip together to build lasting relationships and bonds within the cohort. The Freshman Experience Committee will be responsible for planning and attending/facilitating this event. This planning will happen over the summer and early fall, and the trip will be overnight. This committee will partner with the TEACH Resident Advisor to complete Passive and Active programs to focus on the development and retention of the Freshman Cohort. The Welcome Week Committee will be responsible for organizing and attending the Welcome Reception in August. The Welcome Week Committee will plan cohort-specific events working with Cohort Representatives during the first week of classes in the Fall. It allows the Fellows to get to know each other and provides their parents with a comforting message that will leave them feeling reassured about leaving their students with us. 

Legislature Updates Committee

Legislative policy effects current and future educators. The Legislature Updates Committee will provide updates on legislation currently being discussed that is in the House of Representatives, the Senate or State level that is related to education at each Business Meeting. Each member will be responsible to present at least once at a Business Meeting with some update, partnering up is an option if the committee is larger. 

Sunshine Committee

The Sunshine Committee will be required to have two to three of the committee members arrive thirty minutes early to each meeting to greet and float around the space of the meeting speaking to everyone present. One member of the committee will be scheduled to create conversation and thank the speaker or presenters of the professional development and special events. This committee will be responsible for emailing or messaging fellows on their birthdays, as well as preparing and handing out birthday gifts to the Fellows during business meetings. The committee members will be required to attend at least one social event each semester. This committee will stay in contact with the fellows monthly to check-in and be able to present positive, or great things happening in the lives of the program members. The committee will also be the people to reach out to Fellows during hard times that life brings upon the Teaching Fellows.