Applying to the South Carolina Teaching Fellows Program

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From the South Carolina Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement (CERRA):

"The SC General Assembly began funding the South Carolina Teaching Fellows Program in 1999. The mission of the Program is to recruit talented high school seniors into the teaching profession and help them develop leadership qualities. Each year, the program provides Fellowships for up to 200 high school seniors who have exhibited high academic achievement, a history of service to their school and community, and a desire to teach in South Carolina.

Teaching Fellows participate in advanced enrichment programs at Teaching Fellows Institutions, have additional professional development opportunities, and are involved with communities and businesses throughout the state. They receive up to $24,000 in fellowship funds (up to $6000 a year for four years) while they complete a degree leading to initial teacher certification. The fellowship provides up to $5700 for tuition and board and $300 for specific enrichment programs administered by CERRA. All Teaching Fellows awards are contingent upon funding from the SC General Assembly. A Fellow agrees to teach in a South Carolina public school one year for every year he or she receives the Fellowship."

Application Process

The Teaching Fellows application process is conducted in three stages.

  1. To apply for Teaching Fellows, you must be:
    1. A U.S. citizen or will be an eligible non-citizen under State Residency Statutes at the time of high school graduation
    2. A legal resident of South Carolina
    3. A high school senior or junior graduating early.
  2. The Teaching Fellows application window is open from October 1st to December 1st. Complete your application by 11:59 PM on December 1st. The application requires a high school transcript and two (2) references to be included. SAT or ACT scores may be submitted in place of a transcript.
  3. By January 10th, letters will be mailed to all applicants. Up to 500 applicants will be invited to participate in the second stage of the process: the interview.
  4. Interviews will be conducted on February 26th at various schools across the state. Only selected applicants will be eligible for interviews.
  5. Award notifications will be made and Teaching Fellows will be recognized in early Spring.

The Teaching Fellows application can be accessed on CERRA’s website.