Leonard Service Scholars

Leonard Service Scholars Program

Would you like an opportunity to make an impact and possibly be awarded $1,000 in scholarships? The Leonard Service Scholars program has been established to recognize students who dedicate their time, talents, and efforts to community service.  Students who both complete a minimum of 30 hours of unpaid service to the community in a semester and submit a reflection about their service experience(s) will earn a place on the Service Honor Roll and be recognized on the Leonard Service Scholars program website. Please note that students may not count hours used for academic credit (i.e., class or internships) or for paid employment toward their total hours. All Service Honor Roll participants will be invited to an annual awards banquet in April to share experiences and showcase successes and accomplishments.  A selection committee will award $1000 scholarships to 12 students (four from each class) who will be recognized as 2022-23 Leonard Service Scholars. 

Once you complete the online registration form, you will be added to the LSS Moodle page. This Moodle page will provide access to all program information and announcements.  This is where you will keep track of all hours and organizations/programs served. You will also submit your written reflection through one of the modules on the LSS Moodle page. The deadline for uploading all completed and signed time sheets, media release forms, and the written reflection is Friday, March 31, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. All submissions will be reviewed by the selection committee and scholarship recipients will be awarded at the awards banquet in April 2023. View photos from the 2022 Leonard Service Scholars and Award Banquet.

For questions or more information, contact Kaitlin Nash at knash1@coastal.edu.