Spadoni Student Advisory Board

Spadoni Student Advisory Board


The purposes of the Student Advisory Board are:

1.) to provide a forum for student representatives to discuss academic related issues and to provide recommendations concerning such issues to the Dean’s Office;

2.) act as a liaison between students and the Office of the Dean to provide regular feedback on events, programs, services, and initiatives; and

3.) provide input on upcoming initiatives and events to influence decisions directly impacting the College of Education and Social Sciences.

Monthly meetings throughout the academic year encourage discussion on new initiatives and emergent issues. The Board’s recommendations help to influence campus engagement activities, outreach opportunities, and overall effectiveness.

Benefits of Membership

  • Provides Spadoni students a method for student body advocacy
  • Great resume item
  • Social interaction
  • Improve student experience
  • Educational development opportunity
  • Professional development opportunity
  • Positive student recognition
  • Increased student investment
  • Leadership opportunity


  1. The Board is composed of a diverse group of undergraduate students representing the college. All students on the Board are selected through an application process.
  2. The Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Student Engagement will be present at meetings.
  3. Additional individuals from across the University may attend as invited guests.


  1. One-year renewable terms (September - May).
  2. Every year the Board holds a mandatory orientation meeting in September or early October. Topics which students would like to address over the course of the year will be discussed at the orientation.
  3. Meetings will occur monthly, the first one taking place shortly after the Orientation meeting. Meetings run from September/October-April.
  4. Regular participation in the Board’s activities will be essential if it is to be effective. Therefore, if an individual misses more than two meetings, they may be dismissed from the Board.

The board is composed of the following members:

Arune Johnson
Kaylice Gaines
Gabriella Troyer 
Kennedy Tillery
Ryan McRae
Kelvin Robinson
Carlee Gansen
Hunter Hardee
Madeline Harrington
Megan Gollin
Samantha Luskin
Robert Hill
Jason Valenza

Student Engagement Awards