
Tips for Learning Remotely

With the implementation of online instruction, the following technology tools will assist you throughout the process.

General Academic Continuity: What do you need to do?
  • When CCU requires online instruction, do not physically attend any class on campus.
  • Look for Academic Continuity class objectives from your instructor.
  • Please note the Provost’s office website outlines the Academic Continuity Plan and provides links to additional technology and instructional resources, which includes an overview of CCU digital learning resources (e.g., Microsoft Teams, Moodle, etc.).
  • Have access to resources needed to complete activities scheduled for the day (such as Moodle and enough bandwidth to watch videos).
  • Know the best way to reach your instructor (email, telephone, Moodle, etc.) with questions about the course activities.
Setting Up and Getting Connected
  • Get software and tools: Visit the student software page to download common Microsoft software applications.
  • Prepare for Virtual Meetings: Based on your instructor’s preferences for virtual class meetings, make sure you are familiar with:

How to test and prepare
Visit the Office 365 portal, log in, and choose the icon for Teams. In the bottom left corner, click the icon to download the installer. Test out chatting with faculty and staff to ensure you are comfortable with the functionality. You can also review our Microsoft Teams guide and Teams Resources

Access the Zoom resource page for access instructions and training resources for safe and secure meetings. Log in to your CCU Zoom Pro account according to the instructions provided. 

Continue to use Microsoft Email and OneDrive File Storage/Sharing
  • Office 365 is hosted in the cloud, meaning you can access your email, calendar, and OneDrive documents from anywhere.

How to test and prepare
Office 365 does require MFA for some student accounts, so be sure to test logging in from home to make sure your MFA is properly configured.

Note: The quality of the virtual collaborations using technology (such as through Microsoft Teams), depends on the quality of bandwidth and type of connection (e.g., using a wireless connection).

Tips for Internet Connectivity

If available, use an Ethernet/wired connection instead of a wireless connection to help ensure consistency in internet connectivity.

Your mobile data plan may allow you to use your cellular or mobile device as a hotspot to connect to CCU services. Charges may apply depending on your mobile data plan agreement.

Be vigilant: Cyber threats on the rise

Phishing attempts/cyber threats supposedly related to COVID-19 are already being reported. Please be diligent and wary of suspicious emails, links or attachments from senders you do not recognize. For additional tips and reminders, visit Tips for Information Security.

Contact ITS-Student Computing Services for further support.