Working in ITS

For Student Positions in ITS

On-campus jobs provide students with a great opportunity to earn extra money, develop transferable job skills, learn time-management skills, gain experience, meet people and get more involved on campus.

Each year, Coastal Carolina University hires approximately 1,000 students in paid on-campus positions. CCU's Information Technology Services and ITS-Student Computing Services hire students in part-time positions such as lab assistants, computer/technical assistants, residence hall consultants, and web programmers and developers. Click here to learn about the kinds of jobs in ITS-Student Computing Services. The customary hiring rate for new undergraduate student assistants is $8.25 per hour, which is the current federal minimum wage.

To search ITS and ITS-Student Computing Services job openings for students:
  1. Visit Jobs at Coastal Carolina University.
  2. On the teal menu bar, select Students.
  3. From the dropdown menu beside Position Type, select Student.
  4. On the dropdown menu beside Department, select Information Technology Services. To look for all student positions, don't select a specific Department.
  5. Click the search box below the listing search area.
  6. To apply for a specific job, View Details. At the top, there will be a link that allows you to either Bookmark the Posting, Print Preview or Apply for this Job.

While the Office of Human Resources and Equal Opportunity coordinates all on-campus student employment, the screening and selection process for student positions is done at the department level. If you have questions, please contact the Office of Human Resources and Equal Opportunity by email at or call 843-349-2358. 

For assistance with off-campus job opportunities or internships, visit Career Services.

Additional resources for students:
     • Federal College Work-Study Program at CCU 
     • FAQs for On-Campus Student Employment