Student Jobs

On-campus jobs are a great opportunity to earn extra money, develop transferable job skills, learn time-management skills, gain experience, meet people and get more involved on campus.

Information Technology Assistant - Level I

IT Assistant - Level I is the official hiring title for this position; however, this position is more informally known as a Lab/Help Desk Assistant that works in the ITS-Student Computing Services department. This position is staffed to work in various general access computer labs on-campus, such as: Kearns Hall, Bryan Information Commons, Edwards, Wall, and/or other labs. This position is tasked with helping students utilize the technology in the various general access computer labs on-campus and provide assistance with the following topics (but not limited to):

  • Academic projects involving technology
  • Using Windows or Mac computers
  • Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint
  • Adobe Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Acrobat Pro
  • Internet browsers: Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari, etc.
  • Printers
  • Scanners
  • Printing transparencies
  • CINO Print station
  • Miscellaneous technology questions

Information Technology Assistant - Level II

IT Assistant - Level II is the official hiring title for this position; however, this position is more informally known as a Student Technical Assistant that works in the ITS-Student Computing Services Tech Support Center in Kearns Hall 113 to assist students with the following topics (but not limited to):

  • Connecting to the University network
  • Issues related to viruses, spyware and malware
  • Problems accessing CCUApps, Moodle, MetaAccess NAC, WebAdvisor, etc.
  • General computer problems
  • Resolution of problems associated with accessing computing resources
  • Resolution of problems caused by errors in operating systems or application software
  • Installing Microsoft Software purchased at Coastal Carolina University
  • Miscellaneous technology questions 
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