Need Food?

Not sure where to start? Contact the Dean of Students Office and a member of the Student Empowerment and Advocacy Team will help you navigate. 

CINO Pantry

The CINO Pantry is a free food pantry open to any and all CCU students, faculty, and staff. Visitors do not need to qualify in any way or meet any requirements to use the pantry. The CINO Pantry is completely supplied through donations from the campus and community.

Lib Jackson Student Union A-215

The CINO Pantry is open anytime the Student Union is Open

Student Empowerment and Advocacy

Emergency SEA Swipe Bank

CCUFoodCrew helps to provide students with Emergency Meal Swipes when a student is facing food insecurity. This is currently an internal process when students are in immediate need of food. Swipes work in Hicks, UP, and Chauncey’s Choice Dining Halls.

SEA Swipe Support Request Form »

Students interested in donating remaining meal swipes to other students in need at the end of the semester may do so through the GET Mobile App. For additional details and/or questions, please contact the CINO Card Office

SNAP Benefits Program

Eligibility for SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) Benefits requires that college students are employed for an average of 20 hours per week and are paid for such employment or, if self-employed, be employed for an average of 20 hours per week and receive earnings, after countable expenses, at least equal to the Federal minimum wage multiplied by 20 hours per week, unless they have some exemptions such as: disabled, responsible for a child, etc.

Eligible college students must be participating in a state- or federally-financed work-study program during the regular school year. To qualify under this provision, the student must be approved for work-study at the time of application for SNAP benefits, the work-study must be approved for the school term, and the student must anticipate actually working during that time. The exemption shall begin with the month in which the school term begins or the month work study is approved, whichever is later.

College Student Eligibility for SNAP Benefits (PDF)
National Food Stamps Guide (PDF)

Department of Social Services, Horry County
DSS Connect Call Center
Apply online

Community Resources for Food »