Fire Safety Division

Fire Safety Division


The Fire Safety division of Public Safety takes a proactive approach to the University's safety. The responsibilities of this division are numerous, but all end with the common goal of protecting students.

Fire Safety is responsible for planning and administering the University's fire prevention and life safety inspection programs. This includes review of all new building construction and renovations to insure compliance with University fire protection standards and applicable state, local, and national fire and life safety standards. In addition, this function is responsible for investigating the causes of fires, explosions, chemical hazards, accidents and related emergencies. Based on the investigations, Fire Safety personnel recommend changes to affect better safety standards and to reduce recurrence of such accidents.

Weekly fire and safety inspections are conducted in every campus building. Also, fire exit drills are conducted in University buildings. The purpose of these drills is to assure that the University is as safe as possible, and, if an emergency does occur, everyone is familiar with what actions to take. The first week of October is National Fire Prevention week and is observed at the University.

Disposal and storage of Hazardous Materials falls under the Fire Safety realm. Material Safety Data Sheets are kept by the University and are accessible to all employees, every day, for review. Fire Safety also maintains the emergency call boxes located throughout the University grounds.

Our Mission

Fire Safety is committed to the preservation, as well as the improvement of the quality of life of the University. The Division will exceed professional standards and expectations, and take the necessary actions to provide a safer University. This is done through a proactive safety plan coupled with the understanding that the students, faculty and staff are our greatest customers and deserve nothing less than the highest in protection and service. The Division is committed to providing the utmost in service excellence through the talents and commitment of our professional staff members.