Staff Senate Committees

Communications Committee

The purpose of the Communications Committee is to develop a systematic means for communicating to all staff members existing University policy, specific actions, and feedback concerning all matters considered by this Senate.

Members Meet the Chair

Membership Committee

The purpose of the Membership Committee is to conduct all Senate representative elections, officer elections, evaluate representation, and make recommendations to modify the representational area groupings as necessary to ensure fairness. The committee organizes new member orientation.

Members Meet the Chair

Welfare Committee

The purpose of the Welfare Committee is to collaborate with university leaders on initiatives, programs, and resources needed to raise awareness of staff welfare issues and promote a supportive and inclusive work environment. This Committee shall research, report on, and recommend to Staff Senate any action to be taken on issues concerning the general wellbeing of CCU staff.

Members Meet the Co-Chairs

Staff Recognition Awards Committee

The Staff Recognition Awards committee is comprised of current Senators and staff members. This committee organizes the annual  Staff Recognition Awards which take place in the spring. Activities include planning for the event, managing the award nominees and winners, and providing communication for the event.


University Committee Representation

Staff Senate represents the staff body as a whole on multiple University-wide committees, councils, and task forces.  Senators chosen to serve on the committees are done so based on their role within the senate body and their job duties within their position at the University.  The Staff Senate welcomes additional opportunities to serve on committees in order to represent the staff body. Please contact the Staff Senate President at in order to receive Staff Senate representation in your group. 

Current committees, councils, and task forces with Staff Senate representation:

Executive Council - Staff Senate President (; Currently Sam Sullivan
QEP Implementation Committee - TBA

Previous committees, councils, and task forces with Staff Senate representation:

Access, Inclusion, and Diversity Council - Sandy Baldridge-Adrian (2019-2023)
Professional Development/Training Task Force - David Speiser (2021-2022)
HREO VP Search Committee - Sandy Baldridge-Adrian, Staff Senate President (2020 - 2022)
Presidential Search Advisory Committee - David Yancey, Staff Senate President (2018 - 2020)
Staff Ombuds Search Committee - Staff Senate Executive Committee & Committee Chairs (Fall 2021)