
Staff Senate Open Forum 071420

Staff Senate Open Forum Notes 07-14-20

Open Forum Notes 

Angel Onley-Livingston is the new Director of Counseling Services and she spoke to the group about coping with the stress and anxiety that many people are feeling. Angel was able to provide some useful suggestions: 

  • Validate your feelings – don't ignore what you’re feeling, address them and acknowledge them 
  • Control what you can control – much of what is taking place in our world and lives right now is beyond our control. However, we can control our body and our spirit. She suggested sharing your feelings and concerns with those close to you and to remember to check in with yourself. 
  • Find an outlet for your anxiety – journaling, gardening, doing something artistic. 
  • Be conscious of your senses; how do things look, taste, smell, feel and sound? 
  • Be OK with seeking help. 
  • Acknowledge what is bothering you. 
  • Plan for changes in finances. 
  • Counseling Services are available to faculty, staff and students. At the present time they are available for tele-health services. 


Staff Concerns 

A number of staff shared their concerns on a wide range of issues 

  • Communication - the scope and timing of communication has left a lot of people unclear as to what is happening, what will happen next, and what they should be doing 
  • Childcare - with school schedules up in the air, and preparing for a return to work, individuals with childcare needs are finding it difficult to satisfy those needs.  If you are potentially in need of childcare, please communicate this to your supervisor as well as Dean Jadallah for the Child Development and Literacy Center 
  • Potential Online Fall – with the rise of COVID cases in Horry County, there is an increasing possibility of opening the Fall semester online.  Iwe open online, serious financial issues for both tuition and housing 
  • Retirements - any retirements initiated through the Retirement Incentive Program are being handled by HRdepartmental staff do not need to engage for this process to complete.  HR is not notifying departments, instead allowing individuals to announce those plans as they choose. 



  • Emergency meeting of presidents of SC Comprehensives on July 20th to determine if we start online.  All comprehensive presidents are looking to make a unified announcement 
  • If there is a Fall online start, there will be a tuition/revenue issue as parents are reluctant to pay out-state tuition for online courses, as well as significant revenue shortfall from the loss of housing occupancy 
  • New HR org charts will be available soon, with changes incorporated 
  • A list of RIF/RIP employees will not be made available 
  • Sun Belt plans for Athletics – Sun Belt Presidents are meeting tomorrow July 15th, likely to be conference games only 
  • Next University Town Hall is tomorrow, July 16th, at 1pm 


Employee Assistance Program 

  • As a reminder - employees and members of their household also have access to the employee assistance program through LifeServices EAP via or via phone 800.822.4847. Services are free and confidential . 

Job Services 

  • Verne Walker and Karen Arnie from Career Services for sharing some additional resources with us. July Workshops:  Open to students, alumni and staff    


  • Here is another resource (a free Virtual Career Fair on August 12 ) for jobseekers who are students at or alumni of any of the participating institutions below. 

