
Town Hall 051220

Annotations of Town Hall 05/12/20

Present: David DeCenzo (President), Travis Overton (Vice President for Executive Initiatives/Chief of Staff), Amanda Craddock (Associate Provost for Enrollment Management, Admissions & Merit Awards), Susannah Marshman (Director, New Student and Family Programs), Samantha Hicks (Associate Director of Client Services & Scholarships, Financial Aid & Scholarships), and Steve Harrison (Vice President, Auxiliary Enterprises)  

Disclaimer: The below annotations and timestamps are for reference only, compiled by volunteer staff. The below are for reference only.


Teal Nation Campus Video (00:00 – 2:44)

  • 0:00 | Campus Video
  • 2:45 | Introduction

David DeCenzo Introduction (02:45 – 6:11)

Amanda Craddock (06:12 – 9:52)

  • 6:12 | Enrollment Overview
  • 7:22 | Enrollment extended to June 1, but flexible if needed. Direct to website for next steps and submission of transcripts

Susannah Marshman (9:53 – 13:12)

  • 9:53 | New Student Orientation Overview.
    • Following deposits, see “The New Chant Experience” registration link on webadvisor
      • Phase 1: Complete on-line orientation
      • Phase 2: Fill out class preferences form (it will automatically be sent to your advisor)
      • Phase 3: (mid-June) Work with orientation leader virtually
      • Phase 4: (mid-June) Learn about different offices on campus
      • Phase 5: (Aug.) Welcome to campus with in-person activities
  • 12:26 | Options for Families helping students to transition?
    • (June-July) A hybrid model will be available, on-line content available as long as you have registered to participate in orientation, modules, live and semi-live webinars, and Q&A with campus partners.
    • (Aug.) Family orientation in person.

David DeCenzo (13:13 – 15:00)

  • 13:13 | Introductions of ZOOM participants
  • 15:08 | My child is participating in CENO quest and will have an early move-in date. Will we be given the parent information on that day or do we have to return?
    • Marshman: We do not have an official parent orientation date, any live sessions will be recorded and posted for viewing. Orientation dates will not be set until we know our exact plan for Aug.
  • 16:25 | Just confirming that student and parent should be through Phase 2 of orientation ASAP.
    • Marshman: The earlier Phase 1 is complete, the earlier you will have access to Phase 2. These phases can happen simultaneously. The hope is that the sooner students complete Phase 1, the sooner they can be in touch with their academic advisor. From the time you submit your “class preferences worksheet” the student will hear from their academic advisor in five to 10 business days to set up a date for a ZOOM group advising appointment.
  • 18:07 | Is it confirmed that the university will be opening in Aug.?
    • DeCenzo: That is correct. Our goal/plan is that we will have on-campus classes beginning in Aug. We have sent information out to parents and to people in our community so people can make plans accordingly.
  • 18:45 | When will campus be opening for tours and what restrictions or safeguards will there be?
    • DeCenzo: We are still under executive order which limits the number of people who can be on campus at the same time. The governor is phasing in the various openings within the state. We expect to know more in the next three or four weeks and hope to see a point where we can begin the bring employees back to campus. With respect to safeguards, we will be following state health department guidelines. Social distancing will be in place. We want to make sure we have testing on campus and safe quarantining areas. Separate rooms for isolation as well.
  • 20:52 | Travis Overton introduces himself and explains role
  • 21:52 | Housing logistics, room selections, move-in dates, and how social distancing might impact residence halls?
    • Harrison: June 8 priority deadline to fill out housing application, that will trigger room selections in middle June. In terms of move-in, we are looking at Thursday Aug 13 but this may change based on guidelines from local and state agencies. In terms of logistics on campus, there will be increased sanitation scheduling, limiting community spaces in residence halls, etc.
  • 24:49 | Will all residence hall rooms be singles?
    • Harrison: No, we will be offering double spaces unless we are instructed otherwise by health officials.
  • 25:54 | Is it too late for parents to register for orientation?
    • Marshman: No, it is not too late
  • 26:26 | Should student already have chosen a room?
    • Harrison: At this point, student should have applied for housing. You have until June 8 for priority deadline for choosing a space. June 11 students will be emailed a timeslot. June 16-18 timeslots will be open to go in on your own (or with roommates) to pick a space like choosing a seat on an airplane.
  • 28:08 | Is the parent orientation that was scheduled for June going to be the same for incoming freshmen when we move student in on Aug 13/14?
    • Marshman: Yes. All of the same content will be covered throughout the summer (virtually) and in Aug. orientation series.
  • 29:21 |Have more Merit Dollars become available for students who have committed and have stayed committed to CCU?
    • Craddock: No, merit aid has not increased. Students who have been selected have been notified at this point. Many transfer students who are going through application and acceptances process will be notified by June 1. We will watch allocation and if more aid become available we will communicate with students.
    • 31:05 | Hicks: There are additional options – typically we encourage students to get all materials in so families can receive a complete award package. Common options we encourage to explore are external scholarships, see our scholarship search engine on our website. We also encourage students to touch base with highs school guidance counselor.
  • 32:57 | Overton – notes CCU staff who are in the chat who can help answer on-line questions.
  • 33:37: What do I need to do to get a parking pass?
    • Stephana West (on-line CCU staff member): Order on-line, it will be open later in the summer. Monitor email
  • 35:00 | How long do parents need to stay in SC after the (Aug. 13 move in date) to attend family orientation
    • DeCenzo: Generally move-in and orientation are separate events.
    • 35:41 | Marshman: On move-in there is programming Aug 13 Aug 18 for all new students whether commuting or living on campus. Some of this programming is going to be required some will be optional. Evening of Aug 13 there is noting specific for family. On Aug. 14 from 8:30 am until 7:00 p.m. there is scheduled programming for families (that date may change), but as of right now the family orientation ends at 7:00 pm on Aug. 14.
    • 36:45| DeCenzo: We will be able to continue plans based on social distancing. Shares personal experience with moving children into college.
  • 40:00 | Meal plan option and dining hall precautions
    • Harrison: Several meal plan options, look to the housing website for various scenarios – all you care to eat, late night eats, etc. There is a window to time, typically two weeks after classes begin, where students can change their meal plan option based upon their initial dining experiences at CCU. In terms of dining precautions, we are working this our food service provider on this matter. They are leading the way in developing new and best practices. For example, ensure food services wear PPE, increase sanitization schedule touch points, changing self-service to associate-assisted.
    • 44:14 | DeCenzo: Would you describe options for vegans, vegetarians and those with allergies
  • 44:14 | Would you describe options for vegans, vegetarians and those with allergies.
    • Harrison: We have a dietitian on staff who is great. We post clear logos, ingredients, logos etc. We have a special station in Hicks with separate meal station for people with food allergies.
  • 46: 44 | Will there be sports and sporting events in the fall?
    • DeCenzo: We fully expect that that will occur. We are waiting on NCAA and Sun Belt Conference leaders to lay out the plans – there are many unknowns. It is our belief that those fall sports will in fact play. The question now is start times for those sports – delays in the season, etc. We hope to know more in the next few weeks.
  • 48:41 | When are payments required or expected for the Fall 2020 semester?
    • Craddock: Fall billing will become available during the first week of July. Students will get a notification from student accounts that a bill is available on web advisor. See self service student finance area. The bill will be for one-semester. They will have the option to pay the bill in four installments (due on Aug. 1, Sept, 1, Oct. 1 and Nov. 1), or pay all at once (due on Aug. 1). Pay via electronic check, paper check, or Credit Card.
    • Marshman: Typically, yes. But with the new orientation this year we are exploring those options to engage future Chants.
  • 51:30 | DeCenzo introduces Teal Tuesday and Fried Chicken Friday
  • 54:20 | Overton introduces CHANT411
  • 55:55 | Is there anything for siblings to do during family orientation

Questions (15:00 – 59:23)