Student Profiles

Student Profile - Alichia Leavy

Alichia Leavy

College of Education

Student Profile - Austin Nichols

Austin Nichols

College of Humanities and Fine Arts – Politics

Student Profile: Geniqua King

Geniqua King

College of Science – Heath Promotion

Student Profile: Robyn Svercauski

Robyn Svercauski

College of Science – Public Health

Shelby L. Hubbard

College of Business - Accounting

Ashley Arakas

College of Humanities and Fine Arts - Art Studio

Jordan Wesel

College of Science - Biochemistry

Lyndsay E. A. Young

College of Science - Marine Science and Biology

Rebecca Cwalina

College of Humanities and Fine Arts - Communication

Photo Coming Soon - Placeholder

Nathan Phillips

College of Science - Computer Science

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