Alichia Leavy

Student Profile - Alichia Leavy

Alichia Leavy

College of Education

I honestly feel like I am part of a family here.


What is your favorite spot on campus?

Prince Lawn. It’s such a beautiful place. People get to see the flowers, the pond and the events that we sometimes hold on Prince Lawn.

What is your favorite Coastal item?

My Teal Trailblazer nametag. Being a Teal Trailblazer was my first job, and I got it here at Coastal!

Describe the SNAP mentoring program.

In SNAP, upper classmen are helping incoming freshmen. SNAP stands for Students Navigating and Advising Peers. I was a SNAP mentee my first year and it really helped me get adjusted to Coastal life. Being a mentor introduces me to other students who are now in my shoes. It has a positive impact on incoming freshmen.

What is your favorite social media channel?

Instagram. I love taking pictures. I think I have about 900 posts.

What one word would you use to describe CCU?

United. I’ve met a lot of students from different backgrounds and places. We all just help each other out, whether it is simply opening a door for somebody, giving someone a ride, or helping someone in a class. I honestly feel like I am part of a family here.