Geniqua King

Student Profile: Geniqua King

Geniqua King

College of Science – Heath Promotion

Coastal has a really inviting, friendly atmosphere, and Coastal is totally teal!


How is Coastal different from a typical university?

Coastal has a really inviting, friendly atmosphere, and Coastal is totally teal!

Describe yourself in one word.

Optimistic, because I can take any negative situation and turn it around to make it positive.

You recently won the SILA Award for outstanding community service. How did you earn this award?

This year, I was the community service chair for CCU’s chapter of the NAACP. I performed a lot of community service through this work. I love serving the community.

You love to dance. What is your favorite style?

The type of dance that I do the most is liturgical dance, but my favorite style would be a mix of modern, African and jazz.

What advice would you five to a student about to enter college?

Don’t be afraid. There is nothing to be afraid of. Try new things, and step out of your normal circumstances. 

What is your favorite Disney movie?

Mulan is my favorite because she had to accept a challenge that was beyond what women would go through in her society. She was a brave hero.