Robyn Svercauski

Student Profile: Robyn Svercauski

Robyn Svercauski

College of Science – Public Health

Here at Coastal, I feel as though I am not just a number. I am an actual person who means something to people of our campus. I have the opportunity to connect with faculty and staff, and meet people I can guarantee I’m going to be friends with for the rest of my life.


What has been your favorite CCU moment so far?

I think getting the opportunity to present Coastal at conferences over the last year and a half has been really amazing for me. Each time I have the opportunity to tell someone how much I love where I am from and where I am going to school, it makes me feel like I’m doing something good for our university.

How is Coastal different from a typical university?

I think at a lot of universities, you’re just a number. Here at Coastal, I feel as though I am not just a number. I am an actual person who means something to people of our campus. I have the opportunity to connect with faculty and staff, and meet people I can guarantee I’m going to be friends with for the rest of my life.

You recently won the Rising Student Leader of the Year Award at CCU. Tell us about that.

I have been very involved in our Residence Hall Association. It really changed my life and got me involved in student affairs. My passion and energy for it has helped me grow as a leader, and it’s helped me help other grow.

What advice would you give a high school senior about to enter college?

I would tell a high school senior not to be scared.  Coming down here (to CCU) I knew absolutely nobody. I am 12 hours from home and knew not a single soul. As long as you are not afraid to meet others and not afraid to say “hello” every once and a while, you will be cool and will make it work. Just have a positive attitude.