Samantha Riley

Samantha Riley

College of Education - Master of Arts in Writing

Riley has also worked closely with student-athletes as a writing tutor in the Will Garland Academic Enhancement Center.


Originally from Braintree, Massachusetts, Samantha E. Riley moved to South Carolina to attend Coastal Carolina University as an undergraduate. After earning her bachelor’s degree in English, she entered Coastal Carolina’s Master of Arts in writing program, focusing on composition and rhetoric. For the past two years, she has served as a graduate teaching assistant in first-year writing classes under the guidance of professor Emma Howes. Riley has also worked closely with student-athletes as a writing tutor in the Will Garland Academic Enhancement Center. She has presented research on innovating teaching practices multiple times at the South Carolina Council of Teachers of English Conference and the College of Humanities and Fine Arts Confab. Riley will begin a composition and rhetoric Ph.D. program in the fall.