Student Opportunity for Academic Recovery Program

Students participating in the Student Opportunity for Academic Recovery (SOAR) Program will complete ACED 101: Academic Strategy Development (or ACED 102 if ACED 101 has previously been completed successfully) and meet with an Academic Coach a minimum of four times throughout the participating semester.

Not sure if you need to participate in SOAR? 

Schedule an appointment with your coach by visiting our Bookings site!

  1. Select "SOAR Coaching Appt."

  2. Select your assigned coach's name from the dropdown menu (if you are unsure who your assigned coach is, search for "SOAR" or "academic coaching" in your email to see which coach reached out to you and/or ask your ACED instructor).

  3. Select a date on the calendar to see available times.

  4. Select a time from the right-hand side that matches your availability.

  5. Scroll down to “Add your Details” and provide your:
    a. First and last name
    b. Coastal email address
    c. Phone number
    d. Preference for receiving text message reminders 
  6. Click “Book.”

You will receive a confirmation email with your appointment information.