Menstrual Products

Providing access to free menstrual products at CCU

In an effort to provide the campus community access to free menstrual products during a time of need, Campus Environments has identified locations within academic buildings to make these products readily available. Custodial Services will service these dispensers once a day, Monday through Friday. We believe no one should have their academic experience disrupted due to a lack of access to these products.

If you are in need of menstrual products beyond an emergency situation, please visit the CINO Pantry (Lib Jackson Student Union A-215) or contact the Office of Community Engagement at

Tampons and pads will be available in the following all gender restroom locations:

  1. Williams Brice - Room #100D*
  2. Coastal Science Center - Room #175 (Coming Soon!)
  3. Burroughs & Chapin Center for Marine and Wetlands Studies - Room #135 (Coming Soon!)
  4. Brittain Hall - Room #115
  5. Laurel Hall - Room #102
  6. Kimbel Library - 1st Floor Women's Restroom (Starbucks side)*
  7. Prince Building - Room #1-E
  8. Kearns Hall - Room #118
  9. Lib Jackson Student Union - Room #A-210
  10. Edwards Building - Near Room #263
  11. Wall Building - Room #312
  12. Smith Science Center - Room #108
  13. Academic Office and Classroom Building (AOC2) - Room #106
  14. Science Annex II - Room #106
  15. Swain Hall - Room #125*  

*Dispensers at these select locations can be found within the Women's Restroom. 

For questions or concerns regarding this program, please contact Campus Environments.