FAQ - for Instructors

If your question is not listed here, please email us.

Can I set the appointment time for my students?

No.  The ATC sends an email to you and your student(s) with instructions about their testing options.

My student has accommodations, is this where they test?

No.  Students who receive any type of accommodation should be referred to the ADS Testing Center.

Does the ATC proctor in-class exams?

No.  The ATC only administers makeup exams on an individual basis for students with an excused absence from an in-class test.

Can the ATC administer tests with a scantron response sheet?

If the instructor provides a physical scantron sheet for the student to record their responses. ATC does not provide scantron sheets. Without a scantron sheet, student responses will be recorded on the exam.

What if I need to extend a student’s deadline?

You can update exam information by emailing academictesting@coastal.edu

Does the ATC offer makeup tests for hybrid courses?

The ATC may be able to assist with this.  Email us with your request. 

Technical issues (lockdown, webcam, microphone, etc.) and instructor/student preference to test in the ATC are not considered excused absences.

Students experiencing technical issues should be referred to ITS.

Kimbel Library offers equipment checkout options for students that do not have access to equipment (laptop, webcam, etc.) necessary for their exam administration.

Does my student need to bring their laptop?

The ATC does not allow the use of personal computers.

Why doesn't the ATC return exam by campus mail?

The Academic Testing Center is a certified testing center with the National College Testing Association (NCTA).  As such, we must adhere to their test security standards.