Teal Tips for Parking

Teal Tips for Parking!

What every Chanticleer should know about parking at CCU.

General Information

  • Parking is always busiest at the beginning of the semester!
  • CCU has over 5,800 parking spaces designated for students to park.
  • 3,300 of these spaces are on the main campus.
  • Parking lots closest to the main campus academic buildings fill up the earliest!
  • Peak parking demand occurs between 8:30 am to 3:30 pm.

Parking Lot Information

The following parking lots typically fill up the earliest. Click here for a parking map!

  • KK Lot, located behind Lackey Chapel and Public Safety. 
  • GG Lot, located off Highway 501 and behind Baxley Hall.
  • QQ Lot, located beside Brooks Stadium.

The following parking lots are seldom full. Click here for a parking map!

  • YY Lot, located on Highway 544.
    • Take the YY Shuttle to main campus!
  • BBB Lot, located on east campus.
    • Take the Black Shuttle to main campus!
  • DDD Lot, located on east campus at the Coastal Science Center.
    • Take the Black Shuttle to main campus!

Plan Accordingly

  • Do a practice run!
    • Park at an emptier lot (YY or BBB), locate the nearest shuttle stop, and take the shuttle to main campus. Establishing a routine in advance is key!
  • It is never advised to park illegally and risk getting a citation.
    • Utilizing emptier lots and the shuttles helps you avoid this!
  • Park once!
    • Try not to move your vehicle once you've arrived on campus. It typically takes less time to use the shuttle than to find a new parking spot.
  • You can bring your bike on the shuttle!
    • All CCU shuttles are equipped with bike racks.

Park and Ride

  • During peak class times, it's fastest and easiest to park and ride a shuttle to academic areas!
  • Average wait time for shuttles is 10-15 minutes.
  • You can track your shuttle at www.ccushuttle.com